@inproceedings{ López-Sicilia_Ortuño_Reiné_Otero_Martin-Romero_Camacho-Delgado_ALVAREZ_ORTE_Giner-Casares_MIGUEL_CUERVA_Blanco,

author = { Irene López-Sicilia and Ana M Ortuño and Pablo Reiné and Darío Otero Blanco and Maria Teresa Martin-Romero and Luis Camacho-Delgado and LUIS ALVAREZ DE CIENFUEGOS RODRIGUEZ and ANGEL ORTE GUTIERREZ and Juan José Giner-Casares and DELIA MIGUEL ALVAREZ and JUAN MANUEL CUERVA CARVAJAL and Victor Blanco Suárez } ,

title = { 2D self-assembly of flexible helical molecules with a chiral stapled o-OPE skeleton for chiroptical barcoding. },

booktitle = { VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras en Coloides e Interfases },

year = { 2023 },

pages = { None - None },

location = { Granada },
